Introducing Bella Claire. She's amazing.

I took her out on Monday, after not getting to go all weekend. I went by myself since I didn't have an easy way to get a babysitter thanks to COVID-19.
I got a couple of complements on shore before I put her in the water. I texted Jill that I was going to throw up before I got in, not from motion sickness (yay drugs) but from nerves...
Fortunately the ramp wasn't busy.

It was a bit of a pain to ship the rudder and step the mast while under way, but not too bad considering I did it having no idea what I was doing. I did have to step the mast twice because I didnt run the halyard (sail hoisting rope) through the mast head before i stepped the mast the first time.

Need to tighten that sail to lose the giant wrinkle. Also, there was almost no wind. Great for learning! Less so for sailing...

Such a good time!

Made it back to the dock. Does anyone remember where we parked?

Except for not getting to take Jill, I couldn't have asked for a better end to construction, nor a better start to my new hobby.

... and that's it. I'm sure the future holds plenty more sailing and probably some sailing pics to go with it.
Many thanks to everyone who helped to make this project possible! Jill, of course, for love, support, and permission. Dane for lying to me and telling me I wasn't crazy to start this in the first place, and for toil and trouble. Jason and Lucien for getting Bella Claire out of the dining room. Chris, for cutting a hole in the hull. Iron Jim, for hard labor. And the kids, who helped and didn't complain too much when daddy went to work on his boat! And everyone else who made this possible! You're so amazing! When we can get together again, come get boat rides!
Going to try to get back into some technical posts as well. As for other physical maker projects, I have some in the works. Next up may be the table top version of Bella Claire.
Anyway look for more updates every Thursday! That's my new posting schedule, help me stick with it.
Until next time, fair winds and following seas!