maker So that took a while... Haven't posted much here since I haven't done much work on the boat, and because I've been sick (which is why I haven't done much work on the boat). Caleb
maker Lapstrakes and Rails This week (all week) has been filled with cleanup and finishing some tasks. Most of the week I've been filling in the laps with glue. Other touch up work includes
maker Building... sawhorses! I finally went to the store to pick up a bunch of stuff I needed. I'd been putting off going just because I didn't want to spend boat time shopping.
maker Cleaning Up After Sunday's (mis)adventure with fillets and fiberglass, I was ready for a straightforward task or two. Thursday I got them. The two tasks were to clean up the edges
sailboat One Big Step This was (will be) possibly the largest single step of the whole boat. Some things went well, some things went... less well. Over the course of Superbowl Sunday I spent about eight hours on this so let's get to it. Beginnings First task was
sailboat Boat post! We spent Thursday finishing gluing up the side panels so that on Super Bowl sunday we can flip the boat back over and go on to the next step. A
sailboat Sailboat Interlude I started building the sailboat before I started writing the blog about building the sailboat, so my first sailboat post was a couple of weeks into construction. Here's a brief
sailboat Can't tell up from down We've capsized! The parents were in yesterday and helped me flip the boat over. It was super helpful to have some extra hands, especially with all the little barbs from
sailboat Sailboat - part 1 of ? This is the first part of an ongoing series and one of the primary motivations for this blog. Dory I recently (late last year) bought a Chesapeake Light Craft (CLC) Northeaster Dory sailboat kit. The kit arrived early November and this month I finally